Saturday, December 24, 2011

Joyful Momma's Guide to Quiet Times in Loud Households by Kimberly Eddy

If you have kids, you have a loud household. If you are like me with 4 kids ages 5-12 underfoot; you to probably find it hard to spend special time alone with the Lord. Maybe you want to make sure you are raising them up in the Lord; then this book is for you. Find out how to make the most of your devotional time and teach your children how to love that special time with the Savior as well.                                  
This book is filled with Godly advice from a woman who understands a mothers busy schedule. A wonderful presentation of scripture verses and personal examples along; as well as a wonderful list of resources to help you make the most of your devotional life.
On a personal note, this book challenged and encouraged me as a mother. I want nothing more than my children to have a wonderful personal relationship with my Lord, but find it hard to fit my own time into my exhausting day. As parents we lead by example, how can a child learn if they have nothing to follow. I gained a world of information from this book and have already made a change in my personal time with Jesus. To share a few: reading my bible during the day so my children can visually see that time to spend in His word, posting memory verses around the house and many more(I don't want to spoil the book).
Please pick up a copy of this book and read it( Spend time with the Lord and pass on a Godly heritage to your children. Our relationship with the Lord sets the tone for our life as well as the life of the ones we love.
Check out the authors site above, and check out some of her other books like
Momma's guide to Thriving on One income(I am currently reading this) and Joyful Momma's Guide to Shopping and Cooking Frugally.
*This book was sent to me by the author in exchange for my honest review.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

As Silver Refined by Kay Arthur

If you have ever faced disappointments in life this book is a must read. This book includes a 13 week study guide; so it is ideal for a group study,although it can be used individually as well. Filled with scripture, personal experiences and Godly advice this book helps those who may now be experiencing disappointments in life or are still dealing with previous ones.
Although I was deeply encouraged by this book, I was also convicted. Like many I have experienced some devastating disappointments in my lifetime. This book helped me to look at the source of those problems and how I can deal with them in the way God wants me to as a child of God. Subject matter includes past regrets, facing the pain, a call to courage, and more.
Please take the time to read this wonderful book, you won't be disappointed.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Heaven is for Real for kids by Colton Burpo

If you need a picture book to help you talk to your kids about heaven, this is it. Heaven is for Real for kids is a children's picture book based on New York Times bestseller Heaven is for Real. It contains Colton Burpo's perspective of his trip to heaven and back.
This book contained a beautiful picture of what heaven looks like, what we may do there and about the King himself. The illustrations are beautiful and peaceful and each page includes a correlating bible verse.
My children really enjoyed reading this book, and my son commented "that makes me want to go there". What a great tool to introduce heaven to small children and alleviate any fears about heaven.
* This book was given to me by Booksneeze in exchange for my honest review.

Monday, October 3, 2011

ESP Character Training by Kim Doebler

Every parent wants to raise a child with character. As a christian parent Godly character should be right up there on the top of our list for our children. ESP Character Training is a hands on resource to teach our children 9 main character traits. Using an explain, show and practice method this book gives you practical and easy methods and activities to teach each character. Each character chapter includes verses and ideas to teach these all important characters.
I absolutely loved this book. A book that actually gives you literal activities to teach these character traits; imagine that. There are numerous ideas throughout this book and they could easily be adapted to any age group. You don't have to be a parent to use this resource; this book would be idea for teachers, grandparents, Sunday school workers or any person working with children.
I only wish I would have had access to this resource years ago. We have already started using the ideas in the book to teach the first character. I think I might be learning something too, but don't tell my kids that.
My only question is, when is another book coming out to help me teach more Godly characters to my children?
*This book was sent to me by the author in exchange for my honest review. This book can be purchased at . Also be sure to check out the link to the author's blog and you can contact her about coming to speak to your church or group about training your children in character.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Our Last Great Hope by Ronnie Floyd

Acts 1:8 "...and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea, and in Samaria and unto the uttermost part of the earth."
Mark 16:15 "...Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature."
How may times have you read these passages? So many it has become meaningless or mundane?
Floyd, an author and pastor has taken the words Great Commission to a whole new level. This book speaks to individuals as well as the church to our role and responsibility in the Great Commission. The author uses his own experiences, as well as biblical examples to awaken our desire in fulfilling God's plan for bringing people to Himself.
As a longtime christian, I have heard many sermons and read plenty of articles and books on soul-winning. This book is very direct, challenging and convicting. After reading this book, my desire for the Great Commission has changed (for the better). This book would make a great personal or group read. Very though provoking and soul searching questions can arise from such a read?
Christ's return grows nearer and so does heaven. There are so many who won't be going with us...the Great Commission...our last great hope.
*This book was sent to me by Book sneeze in exchange for my honest review.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The Victor by Marlayne Giron

An allegory tale set in the days of knighthood, chivalry and adventure. The Victor retells the fall of Satan, God's love for mankind, sin entering the world, and Jesus' sacrifice for that sin. The use of characters such as the King, the prince, the adopted son, the betrothed, the seraphims,and the banished seraphims and followers; will draw you into this wonderful truth of God's undying love for his children.
I enjoyed this book, and found myself deeply enthralled into the life of the characters and what was happening to them. I could definitely compare this book to the biblical truth it conveyed and completely related to the characters who represented mankind.
I would strongly suggest getting the companion lesson plan to complement the book. It definitely gave me insight into the representation of each character and the themes throughout the book. The companion lesson plan would also be useful if you plan to use this in a school/homeschool, sunday school or book study environment.
I would caution adults not to use this with younger children; unless you plan to edit some of the content. Some of the fight passages can be kind of grossly detailed; as well as some inappropriate behavior from the evil characters.
Overall, a great allegorical look at sin, its effect on the lives of mankind and the wonderful sacrifice of our Lord and his eternal love.
Please go to to learn more.
*This book was given to me by the author in exchange for my honest review.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Desiring God DVD by John Piper

This was a very informative video that, as stated on the DVD cover, would be great for either individual study or small group/Sunday School class lesson. The speaker is very knowledgeable in Christian Hedonism and to his credit, was able to explain the concept in an understandable way. There was reference that this DVD was in response to a book also written by the speaker. While the book would have probably helped with the material, the notes and usage of the overhead in the video made the contents understandable and easy to follow. A great resource for personal christian living or group discussion.(reviewed by my husband)
*This DVD was sent to us by Waterbrook Multnomah Publishing in exchange for an honest review.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Free Range Learning How Homeschooling Changes Everything by Laura Grace Weldon

Do you homeschool or are you considering it? Are you looking for a unique approach to home education? Are you tired of the textbooks or just need to add a little flavor into your homeschooling day?
This book is packed( and I mean packed) with information, resources, researches and studies, and personal experiences from home education families from around the world. The author has definitely done her homework in putting this one together and brings all of her research into one complete book.
No Free Range is not referring to chickens or complete uninvolvement in your child's education. But it does give the reader a new perspective on learning. Discover ways to use teachable moments, utilizing your community and extended families, letting your child study a favorite topic, using technology or nature and so much more. The author gives the reader a vast amount of ways for our children to learn unhindered by societies definition of learning in just one way.
Our children are individuals with unique personalities, differences, likes and dislikes. Each child learns differently; therefore must be educated differently. This book made be look at home education with more understanding. Its not about what grade my child can achieve or how many facts they have memorized; its what they have learned, how they have learned it and how they can continue to learn as individuals.
This book is a wonderful resource for those already homeschooling or considering home education. Even if you don't homeschool this book can guide you in helping your child how to learn through experiences, observations and hands on activities.
Please take the opportunity to purchase a copy of this book and read it. You won't regret it.
*This book was given to me by the author in exchange for my honest review.

Milk Carton Mania by Christine M. Irvin

Do you have a crafty child or one who wants to be? This book will give them 14 different craft projects for using your used milk or juice cartons. Each project gives you step by step instructions with pictures. Directions are simple and easy to read; a child could actually do the project with no or little help from the parent. Most of the needed items are things you probably have around your house or can purchase at low cost at your local store. What a great way to recycle unwanted cartons.
We actually did the Bird Feeder Project. The instructions were very easy to follow. I actually had my 11 year old read the directions as we all worked on it together. We plan to try the Happy House Project next, and maybe even go for a whole town for my boys to play with their action figures. I loved the simplicity of the whole book and the other ideas the author included with each project(ranging from extra decorating to extra activities to complement the project.)
What a wonderful resource for any parent, teacher, homeschooler, or child.
This is not the authors only book. Look for her other Craft Mania books:
* Cardboard Tube Mania
* Craft Stick Mania
* Egg Carton Mania
* Paper Cup Mania
* Paper Plate Mania
* Pie Pan Mania
* Pipe Cleaner Mania
This book can be purchased from Scholastic, Amazon or other book resources for $6.95.
*This book was given to me by the author in exchange for my honest review.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Cozy's Complete Guide to Girl's Hair by Cozy Friedman

My daughter and I had great fun with this book. All about cute cuts and haristyles for girls that you can do right in your own home. Topics included information about hair and where it comes from, types, tools, accessories, products and hair emergencies.
Hairstyle pages included pictures, step by step instructions, list of supplies needed and type of hair style worked well with. We tried several of the hairstyles on my daughters hair and found the instructions very easy to follow. Some of our favorites were knotted pigtails, wispy loop and fish tail.
Although we haven't tried it yet, we plan to utilize the section on cutting hair as well. We have had so many bad experiences at the salon; that we have decided to do it ourselves. And this book gives me the tips and steps I need to get the job done.
Overall a great resource for those with girls who are looking for simple, sweet, and creative ways to doll up that hair.
This book retails for $15.95

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Current Giveaway

To win an Advance Reading Copy of Plain Wisdom by Cindy Woodsmall and Miriam Flaud, featured in a review on Books Tell Stories, please leave a comment on post.
Only one entry per person. For US residents only, 18 years and older.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Billy Graham in Quotes by Franklin Graham

What a wonderful resource and keepsake from a man of God who has done so much to spread the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. Quotes are divided in over 100 different topics. Each topic section begins with an appropriate Bible verse (various versions). Quotes span from more than 7 decades of Billy Graham's ministry and are compiled from his published and his personal works.
This book is a wonderful and unique record of Billy Graham. Some quotes were very familiar and others where not. I love how the book was arranged by topic and one can easily access Billy Grahams thoughts on a specific topic without having to file through alot of other unrelated quotes. Great for those in a pastoral position, church leadership, evangelism, or for personal study.
*This book was given to me by Booksneeze in exchange for my honest review.

Monday, July 4, 2011

What are you waiting for? Everything! Author Dannah Gresh is very straight forward about sex in her book "What are you waiting for? The one thing no one ever tells you about sex". This is definitely not a book for a delicate, light conversation on the topic. In fact, Gresh speaks very candidly about sex and what the Bible has to say about it. Topics include homosexuality, pornography, intimacy, romance, premarital sex and more.
I feel she definitely did her research; she includes Bible verses, scientific facts, research and studies, and real life experiences on this typically taboo subject. Whether you have had pure or impure relationships you can benefit from the biblically sound advice of this book.
On a negative note, I felt Gresh could have been a little more discreet with some her comments. I think her goal was to add some humor to the context, but I felt it inappropriate and unneeded. I definitely would not recommend this for high school grades; unless the reader has already experienced an unbiblically pure past.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Money Secrets of the Amish by Lorilee Craker

A very humorous approach to saving money, Money Secrets of the Amish uses financial tips from the plain and thrifty lifestyle of the Amish; Eating from your own garden, regifting, buying resale and more.
This book had many great ideas for everyone to save a little or alot money(depending on how you look at it). The author gives the reader many easy applied techniques to give us a little extra cash in our pockets.
I consider myself a thrifty person (especially with one income and 4 children). There are several ideas in this book that I have already been practicing, but was delighted to find several more I hadn't even considered. I can't wait to to try some of them out.
Definitely a book worth reading; especially with today's economy. Go ahead and read it today and challenge your financial creativity.
*This book was sent to me by Booksneeze in exchange for my honest review.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

As for Me and My House by Elizabeth Wiens

Raising Godly teenagers, courtship and marriage, coming out from among them and being different, standing firm in your decisions, honoring God....all of these describe this sequel to Bringing them home.

I really enjoyed Elizabeth Wiens first book Bringing them home; so I can't describe how excited I was when she asked me to review the books sequel As for Me and My House. I think I may have done an embarrassing little dance in front of my family when my husband told me it had come in the mail.

I started reading it that same day and finished it pretty quickly. Like its sister book it was an easy read in novel form. I liked the fact that you didn't need to have actually read the first book to understand what was going on in this one. But since I did read the first one; this was even more interesting to see the continuation of the characters and the Knight's beginning homeschool years to the ending result of their eldest daughters marriage.

As for Me and My House was informative and challenged me more as a homeschooling parent than Elizabeth's first book; because our family is just beginning to enter this phase of our homeschooling journey. It definitely gave me things to think and pray about concerning my own children's teenage and young adult years. It was refreshing to see that some of the things my husband and I had discussed about our children's final years under our roof was more than likely being discussed in other homes. The character family, The Knight's, are a down to earth family and can easily relate to any family trying to raise their children up in the Lord.

Thank you again Elizabeth for such a wonderful, enjoyable and Godly story about a family who decided to serve the Lord no matter what was happening around them.

*Please take the time to check out Elizabeth Wien's books Bringing them Home and As for me and My House at her website

Saturday, April 30, 2011

When God created my toes by Dandi Daley Mackall

This darling picture book is a young girl's look at how God the Creator and We the created might have reacted when God made us. The rhyming text and the realistically funny illustrations make this book fun to read and leaves the mind open to the imagination of what it might have been like when God created us.

I especially liked all the possibilities the main character related to the reader and it made me think of all the questions little children have about life; especially about themselves and their relationship to God. The little girl reminded me of many questions my own kids have asked me about how they were made.

Very cute book with beautiful illustrations, a wonderful tool to get your child to imagine and think what it might have been like when they were created. What a marvelous way to introduce your child to God who perfectly made us unique.

This book was given to me by Waterbrook Multnomah in exchange for an honest review.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Daddy Dates by Greg Wright

Daddy Dates is a great book for fathers and daughters. The content is very practical and the chapters are short enough that the reader is not bogged down with too much information. I like the fact that the writer kept it real by giving examples of when the date did not go well. He even mentioned that there will be times when things won't go as planned, but to not stop. I especially liked the chapters that explained situations during various parts of a daughters life; like toddlers, tweens, college...etc. One helpful part of the book is the quiz at the end and the top 15 Daddy Dates. This book would be helpful to any dad who has a daughter; no matter her age.

This book was sent to be by Booksneeze in exchange for my honest review

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Plain Wisdom by Cindy Woodsmall and Miriam Flaud

You might have more in common with the Amish than you realize? Cindy Woodsmall, author of Amish fiction and old Amish order Miriam Flaud share their experiences as mothers, wives, friends and children of God in this book. The title says it all. Plain everyday circumstances experienced by Amish and Englisher alike; you will laugh, cry and shake your head in acknowledgement to the stories shared. I learned alot about the Amish world that I never knew or expected. I realized how much women have in common experiences whether they are Amish or not; and how much these stories spoke out to my life experiences and were an encouragement to my faith. Definitely one to read and don't forget to try some of the many Amish recipes included in this book. Here is an excerpt from the book: This book was given to me by waterbrook multnomah publishing in exchange for my honest review.

Friday, March 18, 2011

God's Promises Devotional Journal

First off, what a beautiful cover design. As soon as I received this hardback book; I immediately ran my hands over the upraised leaf design on the cover. This is a devotional journal and the gorgeous design on the front just pulls you in; compelling you to write something inspirational inside.
This book holds 365 days of God's promises; each day consists of a Bible scripture(various versions), a small passage from over 20 christian authors and a place to share your thoughts on the day's blessings. I found this book inspiring, encouraging and thought provoking. Having the journal pages inside the book allows you to be able to look back later and remind yourself of God's blessings at that moment in time.
This book would make an absolutely wonderful gift for a family member, friend, or someone struggling to find the good in their life.
*This book was sent to me by the Thomas Nelson Publishing company through their Booksneeze program in exchange for honest review.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Bringing them Home a Novel by Elizabeth Wiens

I am so excited to share this next book with you. Bringing them home is a novel about the Knight family's decision to homeschool their 4 children and highlights of that first years journey. This book is a novel with the Knight family as the main characters, but I have no doubt there are real families out there with similar experiences as this book describes.
Author Elizabeth Wiens is the very talented co-author of Destined for Eternity, served full time with Child Evangelism Fellowship for 16 years and now ministers with GoodSeed Canada. Mother of 4 girls and homeschooling veteran herself, this novel is a reflection of her own families homeschooling journey. She has done an absolute fantastic job in describing the feelings, uncertainties, strengths and passion of many homeschooling families today.
This book can serve many purposes. Most books out there about homeschooling are informational only and in short can be technical and boring. Since written in novel form, Bringing them home is not only informational, but also encouraging, engaging, personal and interesting to read. In fact, I had a hard time putting it down. What a great tool for first year homeschoolers, rewarding for veteran homeschoolers like myself, and thought provoking for those considering homeschooling or have friends or family who homeschool.
I have personally started a collection of books to give my children when they become adults and have children of their own. Bringing them home is a must have in this collection. I also plan to share this book with friends who homeschool and will most definitely recommend it to those contemplating homeschool or those who find themselves in the first year possibly uncertain of success. Look for the sequel, which will follow the Knight family through the teen years and courtship.
Elizabeth, I would really love to know the name of some of the curriculum resources the Knight family used for homeschooling.
I leave you with one of my many favorite passages of Bringing them Home.
"Why are you angry? I have entrusted these children into your care and ask that you raise them for Me, both for their sakes and for My glory. They are all that you have that is eternal, and I am not asking you to do the impossible. Remember, I will go with you.
Cassey sucked in her breath and looked around the room as if to expect to see someone standing beside her bed, but no one was there. With a shock she realized that the words she'd heard in her heart were true. To train her children for God's glory was the most awesome task God could ever give her. Was she willing to give it her best effort? Suddenly this whole dilemma was not just about the public school vs. the christian school or homeschooling, but about obedience to what God may be directing her to do. How could she best honor God and train up her children for Him, and was she willing to do it?"

Sunday, February 13, 2011

God gave us so much by Lisa Bergren

Another heartwarming childrens book by author Lisa Bergren. This book combines 3 wonderful stories together in a hardback limited edition:
God gave us the world
God gave us love
God gave us heaven
Typical Bergren style with a family of 5 polar bears teaching little cub about God's creation and the love he has for her. Same beautiful and warm illustrations as past Bergren books about this polar bear family.

This book is a great tool with the younger group to explain God the creator, his love extended to us and through us to others, and our heavenly home. My 3 little boys loved little cub and her adventures; finding the stories humorous and heartwarming at the same time. Little cub has twin siblings; and since 2 of my boys are twins they really loved this scenario.

Since this is a limited edition it won't be available forever. You definitely want to add this one to your library.

This book was given to me by waterbrook multnomah publishing in exchange for my honest review.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Parables of Jesus

This 3 episodes DVD was meant to be "an allegorical presentation of the parables of Jesus in a clear, challenging and engaging way." In my opinion it fell short of reaching that objective. I found the stories presented a little loose in their translation. My 11, 7 and 4 year olds all watched with me and were unable to make the connection to the biblical parables each episode represented(even I had some trouble). I didn't really understand a few scenes, were unknown characters popped in for a second as if the audience knew who they were and what they were up too. I have not seen previous DVDs; so I am not sure if that would have helped or not. Also, there were several scenes were "bad" characters were sent to an island called Lost-a-soul-a (so if you steal something your a lost soul?). That's how I perceived the message anyways.
On a positive note the characters were very humorous and engaging. This wasn't a high quality cartoon but the graphics were well put together and the flow was good. The DVD was 45 minutes long; just long enough for a good break during a long day.

This DVD gets a 1 out of 5 from me.
This DVD was sent to me by Booksneeze in exchange for my honest review.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Lioness Arising by Lisa Bevere

My first impression: First, I have to say this book was very different from what I usually read. The author definitely did her homework when it came to describing the life of a lioness. I found the book very motivating and challenging at the same time.
Summary: This book was, in a nutshell, a challenge to all christian women to rise up and change their world. The authors comparison of a women's christianity with that of a lioness was very fascinating. She did an excellent job with her analogy of a lionesses strength, passion and beauty and that of a woman of faith. The challenge to christian women was to use our God given abilities to change our world spiritually.
Quote from Book: " The wild, fierce beauty of creation is but a window that offers a glimpse of the God who created us. We need to throw open this window and allow God's untamed, limitless beauty to awaken a heavenly awe within us. As we open our eyes to the wonder of creation, it arouses a God-yearning. Our spirit will respond to what it sees."
What I liked: My favorite part of the book was about the protection of our children. As a parent I completely get the lioness' protection and guidance of their young. I understand how something so beautiful and graceful can become wild and aggressive when the safety of her cubs are threatened.
What I didn't like: Although I loved the authors passion for those enslaved in human trafficking, I felt she might have went a little overboard in mentioning it so many times in her book. I didn't feel it was in line with the concept of the book; though it would not bother me if it was mentioned(maybe just not so many times).

Rating: I would give this book a 2 out of 5 points.
Here is a link to download the first chapter: http://multnomahemails/wbmlt/pdf/SneakPeekLionessArising.pdf
*This book was given to me from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group in exchange for my honest review

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Voices of the Faithful by Beth Moore

How can a missionary from another world inspire me? How can a christian ministering to another people group actually have anything that can encourage me? After reading this book those questions will no longer be in your vocabulary. Beth Moore has done an excellent job in compiling inspiring stories of courage from Christians serving around the world.

This 365 daily devotional has one topic for each month packed with daily encouragement and inspiring stories from missionaries and Christians serving in countries all around the world.

Beth gives a short introduction at the beginning of each month; that really sets the tone for that months topic. Each day has a one page devotional including verse, true accounts from fellow believers around the world, and a short prayer. This book is very easy to use as a daily devotional, but you could also just read through it at your own leisure as well.

I really enjoyed these true to life accounts from other Christians, and was able to apply their life lessons easily to my own life experiences and challenges. Not only motivating and captivating; these stories were most definitely inspiring. Great book for young adult to adult age; male or female alike.

This book was sent to me by Booksneeze in exchange for my honest review.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Blind Hope by Kim Meeder and Laurie Sacher

This book is an actual reacccount of a young woman who rescued an unwanted dog, Mia. This dog had alot of medical problems; resulting in blindness. Through this dogs daily living and dealing with her disability, the woman was able to clearly see what she needed most. She discovered God's grace, acceptance and undconditional love through her relationship with her dog, Mia.
I rarely reads books like this one, but my 11 year daughter( a complete animal lover) convinced me to give it a try. In just a few short days I had completed it and was sharing its life lessons with my husband and best friend. I found this book an easy read, and an incredibly engaging account. I myself have experienced the emotional healing from a relationship with an animal. They seem to understand us, love us unconditionally, and live a day to day life forgiving our endless faults. Thats what this book was about, a woman rescued a dog and in the process the dog rescued her. Through the dogs example she learned daily life lessons that strengthened herself as a worthwhile human being and brought her closer to her Lord.
Here is one of my favorite passages:
"Mia taught me that blind hope doesn't grope around in the darkness trying to find the way. Blind hope doesn't depend on what it can feel. Blind hope depends on what it knows! Authentic hope depends on what is true. Hope that is real doesn't come from what we can see-it comes from our heart, from the inside out. It comes from Christ alone."
This book would be an inspiring read for any teenager or adult. If you are an animal lover you would definitely enjoy this book, and if you are not you would still be inspired by this dogs life.
I have nothing negative to say about this book, only that I wished it were a little longer. I plan on passing this book on to be enjoyed by my sister.

Click on the link below to read the first chapter:

I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review.