"The Jesus you can't ignore" is the first book I have read by author John MacArthur. This book gives examples of how Jesus calls out the Pharisees and religious leaders over their practices and traditions. MacArthur explains how Jesus chastens the religious leaders over adding laws and how their actions were self-serving.
I liked the fact that the author went through the chronological life of Christ when giving examples of how Christ responded and interacted with the Pharisees and religious leaders. I also liked that the author stressed that Christ didn't confront them just to make people angry, but to stop people from turning away from God.
Being the first book I have read by this author, I did find this book a little wordy and would not consider this light reading. However, I did enjoy the content and I did learn from the principles. I found that the applications of this book could be missed without reading the prologue and epilogue.