This book is from the Plants and Pillars Series with a goal to teach children biblical truth in a fun way. Based on Psalm 144:12 this series strives to produce children into Godly men and women. Geared toward children ages 5-8 this hardback book is divided into short chapters which include a bible verse, beautiful illustration, story, and discussion section.
Cassie and Caleb Discover God's Wonderful Design teaches boys and girl that we were created in the image of God, that we all have the same sin and same service to our God. What is refreshing about this book is that it incorporates the role of a man and a women. Although both were created in his image; God made each distinctively different and with a different job to do.
It is never too early to teach your children what the Bible says about men and women's roles. This messed up world has confused families long enough about God's original design. I love that this book emphasizes neither gender is better(created equal remember?), but that he designed each for a different purpose and job. This book also touches on a Godly marriage and a wife and husbands part in it.
Not only did this book make it fun and interesting to discuss these truths with my children; it reminded me of a thing or two. This book would be great for a classroom, Sunday school, library, gift or family.
*This book was sent to me by Moody Publishing in exchange for my honest review.