A wonderful retelling of Creation. Each page includes a beautiful quilt illustration with a summary and verse for each day of creation. The verses are paraphrased, but would appeal well to younger children.
This book would work well for families, churches, small groups or christian education. A simple yet accurate description of the creation of our world. There is also more detail about Adam and Eve and when sin entered into the world through their disobedience to God; as well as the consequence to them and future generations.
At the end of the book there is a note to parents encouraging them to talk to their children about their belief in God and his work in creation and our daily lives.
I was most pleasantly surprised with the family activity...a Bible Quilt. I didn't even realize the illustrations were quilt blocks until I read the family activity. There 8 quilt block illustrations that can be used to make a creation quilt of your own. What a wonderful activity for a family or group project. More detail about the quilt can be found at www.biblequilts.com
I highly recommend this book for anyone trying to teach a young child more about the days of creation. We homeschool, so on a personal note we plan to supplement this book into a creation unit study and make a creation quilt of our own.
Make sure to visit www.honeycombadventures.com to find out more about the author, the book, quilt and more fun stuff.
*The publisher has provided me with a complimentary copy of the book through Bookcrash; in exchange for my honest review.
Thank you for a wonderful review of my book. I would like your readers to know that I have also posted a work in progress in which I am offering many activities which could supplement a study of the days of creation in homeschool, vacation Bible school, a camp program, or just for family fun. Learn more at http://honeycombadventures.com/bible-studies/the-days-of-creation/