Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The Day the World Went Wacky by Janine Suter

This book is a truthful, yet funny look at Genesis 3. The illustrations are engaging and humorous. The rhyming text tells the account of the Garden of Eden, Sin  and its affect on the human race. It gives children an explanation for pain, death, anger and etc..But it also gives them the hope of salvation.
Children love to ask why and mine are no different. For years I have been asked Why? Why do we do things wrong? Why do bees sting? Why are people mean to each other? This book answers these questions in a biblical and fun way for children.
We used this along with several resources from answers in Genesis and some of Ken Ham's books. It answered all my children's questions and gave us a chance to talk more about sin and its affect on our once perfect world.

*This book was sent to be my New Leaf Publishing in exchange for my honest review.

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